- Leandro Herrero - https://leandroherrero.com -

Back to Employee Engagement. All the models in one summary, by popular demand

I am on holidays for a few days

I am been asked by many to re- publish my six models on Employee Engagement in one summary, with links, for people who would like to revisit them without going to the archive. Also that they can read it mobile.

(50% of the membership uses mobile devices. For the several thousand on tweeter, it’s bound to be even higher)

It has been extraordinarily well received by people as a ‘working document’ on the topic

Here they are:

Model 1: Air time [1]

Model 2: Happy Cows [2]

Model 3: The Cause [3]

Model 4: The investor’s metaphor [4]

Model 5: The moral imperative [5]

Model 6: The (real) activist [6]

Here is also the slide share pack [7] that contains additional data such as

  1. The frequency of these models in the reality. Some will me mixed, of course, so, in our research ,we focused on the main striking characteristics in order to categorize. Happy Cows is the hugest, Moral imperative the lowest
  2. The ranking of the models when two parameters, organizational change ability and sustainability of the engagement, are considered together. Air time is the lowest, Activist is the highest

There is a also a ’10 point conclusion’