- Leandro Herrero - https://leandroherrero.com -

COVID-19: From coping and adapting, to making things extraordinarily better. And surprising ourselves.

Nassim Taleb [1] has written about ‘antifragile’ as the quality of ‘growing from disorder’. He says that the opposite to fragile is not robust, but antifragile.

Translation: in a non-antifragile mode you address a crisis by adapting, surviving or coping.  You praise flexibility. Flexibility is getting yourself hit and bouncing back. More or less ready for a new hit. Think one of those punchbags or sandbags used in boxing training. Always back. But still the same punchbag, just a little bruised.

In antifragile mode you will try to come out of whatever critical situation stronger than before. You are not back to baseline. You are transformed. You are beyond predictions. And you surprise yourself.

What if we did that? What if we treated the coronavirus pandemic as a chance in a lifetime to surprise ourselves, surprise our colleagues, surprise our clients, surprise the market with our new ‘us’. Not survived, and tired, and happy to still be running, but unpredicted and unexpectedly better, fantastic, enhanced by a serious multiple.

It’s doable.