- Leandro Herrero - https://leandroherrero.com -

Seducing minds, versus hiring people. Just imagine.

I like the word seducing when referring to working for somebody, a company, a person, a cause, an organization. If you can’t seduce them, then at the best you hire, incorporate, bring to the company. But all these may happen without the seduction. And this is not the same.

My 20017 little book ‘New Leaders wanted, now hiring’ [1] had the subtitle ‘12 kinds of People You Must Find, Seduce, Hire and Create a Job for’, and I said that was the right order.

Seducing is the right concept for leadership and for the HR function when attracting talent. From outside the company and from other parts of the same company. Both.

I invite you to reflect on this concept. The seducing department? That’s you, if a leader.

In the next days of my summer holiday I will invite you to some reflections over a very, very short Daily Thought. A concept, perhaps a word. Find a tiny space to reflect and imagine. Even a few minutes. Stop here when you read it in your smartphone, or coming to your screen.

So let’s start with seducing. That’s it. What if next time you review your intake of people you look at this as a seducing exercise?

Not a semantic trick, not just a language twist. Shall we try?