Some organizations that are very good at (external) marketing, are terrible at internal. Grand market(ing) plans, but can’t sell a thing internally: ideas, buy in, reasons for new investment.
Some functions that have Corporate Reputation as the job or part of the job, have terrible internal reputation.
Some companies that have proper multi Brand management, manage the internal (employee) branding poorly.
Some enterprises with strong External/Investor Communications function, are very weak in Internal communications.
The Internal-External disconnect is a big problem, very often overlooked. Branding, for example, is behavioural branding, or it isn’t. It’s not about logos and colours but behaviours with and within the market. Those behaviours should be reflected in internal behaviours, in the behavioural DNA of the organization. And the other way around.
An organization run in a schizophrenic, internal-external mismatch mode, is dysfunctional.
Since ‘behaviours’ or ‘culture’ are now owned by a particular function (certainly not HR), all those constituencies need to talk and agree on a set of non-negotiable behaviours.
Leadership need to be brokers and gluers.
A blueprint for social movements inside the organization and society
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