- Leandro Herrero - https://leandroherrero.com -

‘We, as a team’, may actually not need a team.

As some of us punctuate this time of the year (Happy Easter!) it is also a time for the Daily Thoughts’ to go in pause mode for a few days. Let me review a few themes and point to some Daily Thoughts that you may have missed.

No more teams, please, we need to team up’ [1] has sparked a lot of discussion in Linkedin where comments are still flowing today. For me the key here is to make the point, to ourselves, to all of us, that collaboration does not stop at the team as structure. Indeed by focusing too much on ‘teams’ we may miss many other forms of teaming-up. Teaming-up is what matters. Teams are just one form.

In ‘All teams with a sell-by-date’ [2] I had also pointed out that that teams must have a finite life and that it may be very healthy to put a (artificial) limit to their existence. We create teams gar easier than we declare mission accomplished for them


There are more than a dozen recent Daily Thoughts touching on collaboration [3]. The best way to explore a collection of Daily Thoughts under one theme is either to search for it in the search box, or use the ‘Other articles by categories’. These are quick ways to get a good helicopter view of ideas and a very useful formula and to put pieces together, to form a view.

These Thoughts are written for that purpose, not to ‘agree/disagree, but stimulate fresh thinking coming from…you.

Happy Easter, whether you celebrate it or not, my best wishes.