- Leandro Herrero - https://leandroherrero.com -

Weekly Recap: Social Movements (part 2 of 3)

The second of this week’s recap posts on Social Movements. Enjoy!

Tribes in the organization: seeing the world in segments, one character at a time . The Big 40.

Exercise: take a piece of paper and put names next to each category. Use your organization or an organization you know well. This is personal, so don’t worry about the Data Protection. This is your Leadership Protection Act in operation. If you don’t know names, or you have very, very few, you are in trouble. It means you are looking at the organization from several hundred feet high from where a forest is a forest and you can’t see anything other than lots of trees. The list below is seriously biased towards the negative. I know.

  1. Mavericks
  2. Rebels
  3. Deviants (positive). Do things differently, have another playbook and succeed.
  4. GPAs (General Pain in the Back Side; acronym non PC)
  5. Contrarians, because they can
  6. Seems to see things through glasses nobody else has
  7. Sceptical for all seasons
  8. Glass always half empty people
  9. Hyper-connected. Good or bad, they spread behaviours, role model at a scale, set mountains on fire and multiply anything they get their hands on.
  10. Hyper-trusted. Multiple reasons, it does not matter which ones.
  11. Radicals
  12. ‘Change Agents’
  13. Bystanders
  14. Cynical by default
  15. Glass always half full people
  16. Activists, they do act, really.
  17. Volunteers, including chronic volunteers
  18. I told you so people
  19. Barriers/walls makers
  20. Ambassadors (of good things, but ambassadors)
  21. Noise amplifiers
  22. Defeatists
  23. Whatever(s)
  24. ‘Yes But’ to all
  25. Making-it-happen first, then we talk
  26. Noise buffers, decrease the corporate decibels
  27. What is in for me people
  28. Bodies, no mind, no soul attached
  29. Reliable, trusted, delivers, wow!
  30. Saviours (unsolicited)
  31. Saviours solicited
  32. The usual suspects who do 80% of the work
  33. Navigators
  34. Climbers
  35. Only One Agenda People (and it’s mine)
  36. Can count on them any time
  37. Been there, done that people
  38. Will never be trusted/should never be trusted
  39. Simplifiers
  40. Magnifiers