‘Daily Thoughts’ is paused, to assess its value and its next ‘presentation of life’. Bear with us. In the meantime, we will post some short vignettes from Leandro Herrero’s book The Flipping Point. [1] Contact us if you need anything or if you wish to share any insights about how Daily Thoughts is of value to you. Thanks for being here. Don’t go away! The Chalfont Project team dailythoughts@thechalfontproject.com [2].
Leaders have two hats. Hat one is the hierarchical one, the one that is usually the reason to be hired or promoted. It comes with a position in the top down structure. Hat two is the one I have described as Backstage Leadership. Hat two uses the power of Hat one to create the conditions for peer-to-peer and informal networks to work, without dictating what to do, without interfering. Hat two recognises that leadership is distributed across the organisation and beyond the boxes of the organisation chart, the one populated by Hat ones.
Many long, complex and expensive reorganization projects by Big Consulting Groups make companies fully prepared for the past.
Find out more about the range of books written by Leandro Herrero: Books [3]