Cultures are created by behaviours becoming the norm. Safety is at the core of many industries. Significant budgets are allocated […]
The real question is, what do you want to see happening so that you can say ‘people are empowered’? Employee […]
We all know, and have, some heroes in our organizations. People who jump in, solve problems, make themselves available, walk […]
The late Stanislav Andreski (1919-2007) British Professor of Social Sciences, in one of his vintage passages in ‘Social Sciences as […]
Pope Francis, spiritual leader to 1.2 billion people, likes ‘to call a cat a cat’. He has gained a world […]
Any organization has accountability holes, areas where nobody really owns the space. Sometimes these are true ‘grey areas’, sometimes are […]
We have a problem in Division A. Leaders are not doing their job. Leaders are not living the values. Some […]
Somewhere along the line, in the history of ‘business’, something went wrong and people took the wrong turn at the […]
‘Walk the talk’ is being consistent: say something and then do what you said you would. ‘Talk the walk’ is […]
Any label that could be equally applied to Mother Theresa, Hitler, your CEO, Kim Jong-un, Mandela, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and […]
Many cultural change efforts fail out of a mathematical mistake. They focus on ‘people in the room’ (conference, off site, […]
In any organization there are positive deviants (deviants from expected norms, who achieve results) and other ‘statistical abnormalities’ by nature […]
We need to improve communication is not the same as, this is what we need to do to improve communication, […]
If somebody could care to quantify the cost of constantly checking with people whether they are doing what they are […]
At a conference I attended, the very sharp mind of Marten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, ex HP, ex Nokia, reminded […]
Imagine this situation, which I am sure you have never come across. Just kidding. A ‘project’ (not necessarily defined as […]
Winston Churchill said, referring to the Houses of Parliament in the UK, ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’. […]
Here are my top five from my organizational consulting work. The paraphrasing is mine, the ownership is shared with my […]
Scientism is taking over management, so anything that can be expressed in scores and numbers is glorified regardless of the […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
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