The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog […]
Organizations need a Rapid Reaction Force. OK, unless you are in the military, it does not mean military fatigue uniforms […]
At some point of the organization’s growth, complexity kicks in. Before that threshold, you had two problems: managing growth and […]
Trust is the most unforgiving, unfair and disruptive phenomenon in the organization. It takes a while to build, it may […]
Nasim Taleb’s Antifragile book has this subtitle: ‘Things that gain from disorder’. This is a model for the new organization […]
Traditional management has focused on interventions that scale by the maths of addition. Modern, new radical management focuses on ways […]
Every morning, when we weak up, put our work clothes on and head for whatever is in our Outlook or […]
‘Sustainable’ is a magic word. Inevitable seat at the table of of ‘correct language’, 21st Century version. Many things have […]
Nassim Taleb Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By […]
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