Can we work on the collective and reward the individualistic? Well, sure you can, it happens every day. But it’s […]
If I were the one in charge of deciding the ‘person of the year’ for the front cover of Time […]
The monastic tradition in the Christian world has these 3 magic S that have been present since the Fathers of […]
In a large company, what do a leadership development, a culture change and a business integration programme typically have in […]
My very good client BTG plc created a habit of getting leadership teams together to race boats for a day, […]
In the short term, the health of all of us depends largely on people following public health rules (masks, distance, […]
Let me elevate the question of ‘differentiation’ to a higher level. Product differentiation? Sure. How different is different? That is […]
Somewhere along the line, in the history of ‘business’, something went wrong and people took the wrong turn at the […]
Our managerial training and praxis has been quite successful at making us guilty of not focusing enough on a task […]
Collaboration is behavioural, not a process or system. As a behaviour, it can’t be taught. It’s something that some people […]
For CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, and other Cs, and Divisional Ds’, survey after survey try to identify their focus, their concerns, […]
‘Walk the talk’ is being consistent: say something and then do what you said you would. ‘Talk the walk’ is […]
Any label that could be equally applied to Mother Theresa, Hitler, your CEO, Kim Jong-un, Mandela, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and […]
If you followed the two previous Daily Thoughts, you would have got into the idea of ‘Managing by Segmenting Around’. […]
Exercise: take a piece of paper and put names next to each category. Use your organization or an organization you […]
These 8, self-explanatory categories of people are the natural focus of traditional HR and management systems . They are needed […]
Reinventing management to deal with the complexities of the world and, therefore, the complexities of business challenges is something that, […]
Give me a sequence, some boxes, a template on steps, lots of arrows and a PowerPoint, and I will create […]
As Woody Allen said, showing up is 80% of life. The bookshelves, digital or otherwise, are full of ‘How-To-Succeed-In’ stuff. […]
My ideal modern organization has different characters on the payroll. If there is a payroll. These are three of them: […]
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