Know your strength and speak from that position. What is it? Knowledge? Expertise? Experience? Wisdom? Here are others: simplicity, communication, […]
The language of behaviours in a corporate set up is often either bland or too ‘corporatized’, sounding artificial. Many of […]
Is cultural fit a question of hiring (or converting people into) clones? Not many people would agree. However, the question […]
Something went wrong with the room allocation in my hotel. When I arrived on the 3rd floor with my plastic […]
From time to time you see the occasional and mostly not very solid comparisons between ‘the company’ and a religion. […]
More than 20 years ago, Jerry I. Porras and James C. Collins, wrote the bestseller ‘Built to Last, successful habits […]
If you push me for a articulation of human relationships, everything is transactional. But in a more specific way, transactional […]
Since I spend a considerable amount of my client work time dealing with value systems and their much needed translation […]
Whatever he had in mind, it was communicated in an incredibly poor way. The prize for messaging goes to Amazon […]
Why have Larry Page and Sergey Brin produced the Alphabet rabbit out of the hat? They had no choice ( […]
Let me elevate the question of ‘differentiation’ to a higher level. Product differentiation? Sure. How different is different, that is […]
Memo to all functions and Business Partners (HR, OD, L&D, Internal/Corporate Communications, Strategy Units, Finance, Health and Safety, Branding/PR, and […]
At the end of the summer, I had to stay for a very short period in a hospital, that is […]
My local DYI/Bricolage/Hardware story has a terrible service. But now, in the tradition started by Wall Mart (tradition now extinct) […]
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