In my dealing with organizations of many sizes and shapes, cultures and geographies, I always find very fine individuals of […]
The prestigious publication ‘The Economist’ has published an article under the title ‘Team spirit. Businesses are embracing the idea of […]
OK, at least you a reading. Thanks. The organization is a network. Networks have emergent properties. Translation: things come up […]
Model 1. The technology, for example in the form of digital platforms such as Enterprise Social Networks, ESN (Yammer type) […]
Leaders. They drive the agenda, the agenda is not driving them. They drive the agenda even when other people think […]
Each large or not that large organization needs one. This tribe is composed of people who have a natural ability […]
Field notes: Reflections on ‘us and them’. Sometimes a rejection of something makes its alternative appealing even if that alternative […]
There is a romantic view of the organization that sees it completely borderless, inside and outside. Inside, this view says, […]
Peter Drucker put it in his own style: ‘No organization can depend on genius; the supply is always scarce and […]
Stage 1: The Accidental Management team. The team is composed by whoever reports to the top. You are in that […]
Command and control management has less and less friends, and it’s quite terminally ill as well. The heirs are fighting […]
Organizations, like organisms, have embedded mechanisms of survival, of growth and also of self-sabotage These are 3 self-sabotage systems to […]
A recent book by ex-Microsoft researcher and now MIT prof Kentaro Toyama (Geek Heresy, 20015) is not precisely novel on […]
Who needs walls when we have screens? There is open plan and open plan. Open plan with Dilbert cubicles is […]
‘For every problem, the Victorians have a building’. For every idea that we need to carry forward, we invent an […]
I sometimes think that many global ‘one company’ initiatives are missing the point. The intentions are good: ‘look, we are […]
It could be argued that ‘silos’ are part of the human condition and group interaction, and Chris Rodgers (Informal Coalitions) […]
In some organizations, daily life and the day to day meetings feel like a Permanent Focus Group. People spend their […]
In the words of a pioneer of Psychology, we’d be better off grabbing the reality of humanity for what it […]
Is working from home ‘a matter of trust’? The Guardian supplement on ‘Top Employers Uk’ (28 February 2015) says so. […]
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