In Latin ‘Post hoc ergo propter hoc’. Free translation: B follows A, so A must be the cause of B. […]
Commenting on the communist legacy, a soviet academic Oleg Bogomolov, who must have known a thing or two about things […]
Clicktivism is the term used to describe the type of pseudo-activism that consists in clicking the ‘Like’ button (Facebook mainly) […]
New units: Certificate of existence = 280 characters (Twitter) Presentation of ideas, maximum attention span = 18 mins (TED) Digital […]
In a massive street demonstration for Anti Something Big, you have the Anti Something Big activists, the Anti Everything, the […]
I explained to a client the logic and principles of the Viral Change™ Platform. I did not want to sell […]
Said Wittgenstein. Language in business and organizations creates frames, but also limitations. And we have lots of these frames. ‘Employee […]
I must confess I have never been 100% comfortable with the traditional distinction by Warren Bennis between leaders and managers […]
A specialist nephrologist I know well says to me: I get very nervous with all this heart stuff, I don’t […]
Management Theory (if there is one) and management practice are not physics. We don’t have very solid data about what […]
There was this big conference that was introduced by the chairman in this way: ‘Welcome everybody. Lovely to have you […]
A neighbourhood with broken windows and graffiti on the walls says: look how easy it is to break a window […]
In a study conducted with Fortune 100 companies, and quoted in Sherry Turkle’s book ‘Reclaiming Conversations’, the following statistics about […]
Jerry B Harvey’s 1974 article “The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement’, contains this vignette. On a hot afternoon visiting […]
With some exceptions, there is no such a thing as single, global, monolithic corporate culture. There is usually a confederation […]
Some people in organizations believe that they are working in a very bureaucratic, hierarchical, political and rigid environment. Many of […]
The language of leadership is often plain and monotone. Used to explain slides and with a screen behind, leadership language […]
These two statements represent a form of magical thinking of the kind seen in ancient humans (clouds) and todays humans […]
I owe this to Nassim Taleb (‘Fooled by Randomness’ (2007), ‘The Black Swan’ (2008), ‘Antifragile’ (2013). As a traveller of many years […]
Our faith in communication is enormous. Why? Perhaps because we know well the problems associated with the lack of communication. […]
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