A true story. A health care worker is truly struggling to do her work and caring for a son who […]
The answer to individual negativity is group positiveness. Fighting individual negativity at individual level is a risky fight. If you […]
The ‘expectations muddle’ of empowerment has different shapes and flavours: I expect you to do something but you don’t think […]
Some cultures a very introspective. In a healthy way. Some are pathologically introspective and spend a lot of time dissecting […]
I don’t like to sound gloomy, but, is the current self-centrism an epidemic of colossal proportions? Or, another way to […]
We are pulled to conform to the group, to participate, to contribute, to say something. Nodding is not enough. Taking […]
Let’s start somewhere else. What is the logic behind Listmania? Very often there isn’t one. But starting a note/blog/communication with […]
I read a while ago this story. Within the highly structured and hierarchical (by design) Catholic church, a Religious Order […]
In my world, ‘corporate’ is synonymous with big structure, big processes and big systems. Of course, it is not its […]
There is a difference between listening and just waiting to speak. You can spot people doing either. Some people don’t […]
Behavioural/cultural shaping in organizations does not scale up by the leaders simply having the right mindset and motivation. A mechanism […]
This is the request we make at the beginning of a Viral Change™ programme. Forget your function and your hierarchical […]
A slow growth cancer in organizations. People unnecessarily and gratuitously condemning the company to an impossible future: we will never […]
For CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, and other Cs, and Divisional Ds’, survey after survey try to identify their focus, their concerns, […]
Corporate speak is of course tribal. So, to belong, you have to speak the tribal idiom. Through my work, I […]
Nothing is more rewarding than having a CEO who says world-changing things in the news and who produces bold, enlightened […]
Exercise: take a piece of paper and put names next to each category. Use your organization or an organization you […]
The following line will short cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, start-up get-to-know, redeployment of […]
Four types: The generosity of the traffic light. Every fixed interval, it lets you get through. It even changes colour […]
There are three major sources of trust generation. Everything else is commentary: The ‘keep promises’. I can rely on you, […]
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