I know of a brilliant medical doctor who, in front of a worried patient, perhaps with some imaginary worries, perhaps […]
Jerry B Harvey’s 1974 article “The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement’, contains this vignette. On a hot afternoon visiting […]
Grandiose plans get sabotaged by small things. Many years ago, I was involved in what was going to be a […]
What type are you? How our mental models work is part of the Minimal Introspection, something we tend to overlook, […]
Socrates said. Or Plato said Socrates said. Socrates never wrote a word. He did not trust them. They were the […]
There are many versions of the same principle. We spend disproportionate amounts of time on issues. We often have deep […]
For the last, at least, 10 years of my consulting life, I have struggled to confirm the thesis, well publicised […]
We never solve problems, we trade them off. The thought is not depressing. It is liberating because it means we […]
The old saying, ‘if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there’ (Lewis Carroll dixit) […]
In the day when Tim Crook, Apple’s CEO, had to send a note to everybody in the company reminding them […]
There are many situations in organization and corporate life when either the collective or others with authority solve our decision […]
In the day when Tim Crook, Apple’s CEO, had to send a note to everybody in the company reminding them […]
This is a pattern that I encounter with many of my clients. Top and less top leadership, of the progressive […]
There was a time, not long ago, when people got fed up with ‘change programmes’ that faded at the speed […]
This is my list of characteristics of a Wicked Problem. The term was first described by Rittel and Webber in […]
It would be nice if we could just sit in the middle of the two in-trays, right and left, and […]
The Black Swan theory says that… all swans are white, and your Strategic Swan Management Department should cater for a […]
Imagine you run a large organization confronted with a future-critical, one off, Big Strategic Decision. The consequences may be dramatic, […]
The art of dealing with incomplete and imperfect data: I want to put this into the water supply of some […]
Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths are the authors of ‘Algorithms To Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions’ (2016), […]
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