There is an ‘Accidental Literature for Leaders’. I call this my compilation of poems or pieces of narrative that are […]
The war on talent. McKinsey consultants started it with a book of the same title. By focusing on what seemed […]
William Stafford’s (1914 – 1993) poem reads: The things you do not have to say make you rich, Saying the […]
I can’t remember where I saw this. This is part of the point. It could have been anywhere. But I […]
This week, I offered 10 types of people that challenge the status quo in organizations. I also mentioned that our […]
Who challenges in organizations? People who have nothing to lose People who know that the art of challenging, equals not […]
Deprogramming is a form of management detox. We navigate and work in organizations with a great deal of automatic pilot […]
Do you understand the strategy? Yes Can you see why we need to change, to do anything? Yes Do you […]
We need a revolution in business academia or it will become irrelevant. Apprenticeships are already far greater value than academic […]
An 18 year old paper in social anthropology by Marilyn Strathern (then at Cambridge) had the intriguing title of ‘The […]
Reinventing management to deal with the complexities of the world and, therefore, the complexities of business challenges is something that, […]
Part 1 of 2, First published in November 2015… Who challenges in organizations? People who have nothing to lose People […]
The current theory on the future of management, going around in some circles, (courtesy of Gary Hamel, somebody people pay […]
An organization is super rich in leadership and becomes a Leadership Lab, a School of Leaders, if it has three […]
Their worlds and the laws governing them are completely different. Coaching and most management and leadership (team) development are not […]
Whether you are sitting in HR, Organizational Development, or any other corporate function, or simply in a position of management […]
Following on from yesterday’s proposition, the new disciplines of management, ‘The New Classics’ are these 10: 1. Behavioural Economics. 2. […]
VUCA: volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous environment, term created by the military to say that the future is not what […]
I am borrowing this line from Obama’s speech at Rutgers. Of course he was referring to certain presidential candidate. “Facts, […]
It is perhaps the Age of Inversion. The weights have gone the other way. Globalization, big G, or small g, […]
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