A few years ago, the BBC broadcast a series called ‘How we built Britain’, presented by the veteran David Dimbleby. […]
‘Prioritize’ is a word that I particularly dislike because it is overused and misused in a terrible way. I have […]
No system can be fully understood within the system. No, this is not an esoteric statement but a simple, common […]
A neighbourhood with broken windows and graffiti on the walls says: look how easy it is to break a window […]
That was Nietzsche on change management! It goes to the core of the issue of how we all try to […]
Here we go. I’m sounding a little gloomy for a Monday morning. I don’t mean to. Promise. Back in 2016 […]
1. Postpone. Some great killers postpone everything. They don’t even have to use the language, they simply organise things in […]
Emotional Intelligence was a paragraph-length concept expressed in a library of publications. At the time it was a shock in […]
William Stafford’s (1914 – 1993) poem reads: The things you do not have to say make you rich, Saying the […]
‘A year from now, you are all here standing in front of the CEO and you say: we screwed up! […]
Powerful oversimplifications’ was the term used by Bruce Henderson, founder of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to define the matrixes, […]
Our traditional management education has almost 100% focused on the formal organization, the structural fabric of teams, divisions, groups, committees […]
Communicating, triggering behaviours, sustaining them and creating a culture, are all connected, interdependent, overlapping and parts of the chain of […]
10 key behavioural competences of people to understand what is going on. Small sample of my collection. These are 10 […]
The new, emerging organizations, many people would agree, are more collaborative, more leadership-distributed, less top-down, with more levels of empowerment […]
These two statements represent a form of magical thinking of the kind seen in ancient humans (clouds) and todays humans […]
I can’t remember where I saw this. This is part of the point. It could have been anywhere. But I […]
Here is a ‘very novel’ concept. Employee Engagement is needed because… it’s good in and of itself. Because work enhances […]
‘Lack of communication’ or ‘a communication problem’, is perhaps number one declared culprit in most of our troubled organizational life. […]
Morning to you. Here is my second post in a series of three on Leadership: Don’t define leadership for me. […]
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