This is plagiarism, of course. I am stealing 13th Century Saint, Francis of Assisi’s line: ‘Preach the Gospel all the […]
The following line will short cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, start-up get-to-know, redeployment of […]
At a conference I attended, the very sharp mind of Marten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, ex HP, ex Nokia, reminded […]
Consistently attributed to physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who had no time for sloppy thinking, ‘not even wrong’ has become a category […]
There are times when you get stuck in arguments. Discussions seem to go nowhere. You are running in circles and […]
The closest thing to designing and building an organization is the designing and building a house. You can build a […]
Many years ago, I got into Decision Analysis at the hands of my good friend Larry Philips of the London […]
Many years ago, I learnt from the UNHCR, the UN refugee Agency based in Denmark, that many global NGOs of […]
There was a time when the logic of things started with a ‘why’, followed with a ‘what’ and ended in […]
There is a period in child development when children start asking the question ’why?’. They usually seem unsatisfied with one […]
Let me share with you my 3Ss, where I suggest you put your money: 1. Synthesis. My followers, readers, clients, […]
Change management, or management of change. Thank God there can only be two permutations, because they are the most over-used […]
Said Wittgenstein. Language in business and organizations creates frames, but also limitations. And we have lots of these frames. ‘Employee […]
It’s called the Shirky principle, after Clay Shirky, prolific American author of bestsellers such as ‘Here comes everybody’(2008) and ‘Cognitive […]
Management Theory (if there is one) and management practice are not physics. We don’t have very solid data about what […]
No system can be fully understood within the system. No, this is not an esoteric statement but a simple, common […]
Powerful oversimplifications’ was the term used by Bruce Henderson, founder of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to define the matrixes, […]
I said yesterday that for large scale mobilization of people (AKA social movements, AKA company culture), it needs a platform. […]
The new, emerging organizations, many people would agree, are more collaborative, more leadership-distributed, less top-down, with more levels of empowerment […]
Here is a ‘very novel’ concept. Employee Engagement is needed because… it’s good in and of itself. Because work enhances […]
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