Since I spend a considerable amount of my client work time dealing with value systems and their much needed translation […]
This is my alternative to the Gallup 12. You can develop a whole Organizational Development philosophy around these questions. These […]
Back from a conference on ‘technology and management’ (Drucker Forum, Vienna), I realise how futile some discussions on ‘technology’ are. […]
Four types: The generosity of the traffic light. Every fixed interval, it let’s you get through. Even it changes colours […]
Passion is an emotion, or set of emotions. You may want, indeed, that your people are passionate, but you can’t […]
Company: Where companions are. Companion = com + panis in Latin, that is with bread, sharing bread of food. “Travelling […]
Walk the talk’ is being consistent: say something and then do what you said you would. ‘Talk the walk’ is […]
Organizations, like organisms, have embedded mechanisms of survival, of growth and also of self-sabotage These are 3 self-sabotage systems to […]
Thomas Hylland Eriksen is a Norwegian Anthropology professor that has achieved more than any of his fellow anthropologists: you […]
Paul Krugman, professor, journalist and Nobel Prize, in his column in the New York Times has mentioned an economic analogy […]
In the words of a pioneer of Psychology, we’d be better off grabbing the reality of humanity for what it […]
Arriving at the clean and clinical Stockholm airport, my pre-booked taxi is failing me. I have some time to spear […]
We call it character assassination for a reason. It’s the ultimate attack. The attack to the uniqueness of an individual, […]
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