Banks have had stress tests (imposed) to see how they would cope with difficult market conditions. For example, in the US, a typical stress scenario in the past has been: 50 per cent drop in equity prices; 21 per cent decline in housing prices; unemp[...]
Banks have had stress tests (imposed) to see how they would cope with difficult market conditions. For example, in the US, a typical stress scenario in the past has been: 50 per cent drop in equity prices; 21 per cent decline in housing prices; unemp[...]
Many organizations have a Risk Management function of some sort. Often scattered amongst different constituencies: manufacturing, engineering, R&D etc. It is also embedded in Quality Systems, such as ISO. Financial institutions, or indeed financi[...]
Some leaders are very good in a crisis. They may or may not acknowledge that, but the adrenaline of the crisis is fantastic for them. These people always explain to me the beauty of (finally) seeing employees aligned, super-committed, engaged, going [...]
Nassim Taleb
Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By describing antifragile as the opposite to fragile, v[...]
Some leaders are very good in a crisis. They may or may not acknowledge that, but the adrenaline of the crisis is fantastic for them. These people always explain to me the beauty of (finally) seeing employees aligned, super-committed, engaged, going [...]
Nassim Taleb
Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By describing antifragile as the opposite to fragile, v[...]
Many organizations have a Risk Management function of some sort. Often scattered amongst different constituencies: manufacturing, engineering, R&D etc. It is also embedded in Quality Systems, such as ISO. Financial institutions, or indeed financi[...]
The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog is thrown into a boiling water pan. The frog jumps out one millisecond later. Close to first degree burns, but alive. And learns the lesson.
The s[...]
The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog is thrown into a boiling water pan. The frog jumps out one millisecond later. Close to first degree burns, but alive. And learns the lesson.
The s[...]