The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog is thrown into a boiling water pan. The frog jumps out one millisecond later. Close to first degree burns, but alive. And learns the lesson.
The second way is to put the frog in a pan with cold water, turn on the heat, slowly, and wait. The frog, the tale says, likes the warm bath at first, the cosiness of that lake around him, the delight of the warm feeling. So delighted the frog is that does not notice that the water gets warmer and warmer. And warmer. And hot and boiling. The rest is a funeral.
At some point in the heating up, the frog would have tried to resist and adapt. Maybe. After a tipping point, the original adaptation becomes a liability.
Welcome to the Slow Cooking School of Management. We sometimes don’t realise that adaptation and robustness and resilience may provide some sort of blindness. By the time we realise, it may be too late. The (management) pan may be full of warm cosy water. We don’t notice the heat. We are cooked. Some people are cooked in their 30s, some in their 40s, some later. All of them may have been very adaptive and resilient.
Most slow cooking is self-inflicted. We need organizational thermometers that tell us the changes in temperature. Waiting for the 100 degrees Celsius to turn up does not seem like a great strategy.
In the land of prone-to-warm-water frogs, crisis is welcome. Stress to the system must be welcome. Reboot mechanisms as well. Nassim Taleb (I keep quoting) would say that opposite to fragile is not robust or resilient. Actually he could not find a word, so he created ‘antifragile’: ‘things that gain from disorder’, as the subtitle of his book says. In his typical Taleb way he also says: ‘The fragile wants tranquility, the antifragile grows from disorder, and the robust doesn’t care too much’. That is the problem with robustness, including a ‘robust culture’; it turns us blind, complacent and insensitive.
Switching from frogs to cultures, for me, one of then most useful organizational thermometers are the Broken Windows that I have written about. These are the relatively innocent failures in compliance, the not too strident signs of weak accountability, not life or death promises that are not kept, the windows a bit broken that nobody fixes. These not so tragic, not so visible, not so disturbing signs of organizational graffiti and broken windows, flood the organization, one day at a time, without anybody bothering so much because, as we say, in the great scheme of things, these are not a big thing.
But these are degrees rising in the thermometer. Actually, they are telling us that the patient has a temperature. I know, I know, not sweating and shivering yet, so a little analgesic and chicken soup may be just ok. Watch the funeral.
Apocalyptic? Tell that to the warmer frog.
We must have our own non negotiable. Still today I get pushed back on this language when we talk about ‘non negotiable behaviours’ in cultural programmes powered by Viral Change . Well, I’ll keep the language. It’s a sort of a thermometer. I will not compromise with fevers.
Interventions from The Chalfont Project
Reboot! The Game Plan
Do you feel like you and your team are stuck in the day to day doing of things and many aspects of the running of the organization don’t make the agenda?
There may or may not be anything obviously wrong. Or maybe there is. But this is not a good enough state of affairs.
This high intensity, accelerated intervention takes leadership teams of all levels through a process of discovery and identification of both stumbling blocks and enablers will be followed by a clear ‘so-what’ and an action plan. It results in alignment around a well crafted Game Plan that reflects where they see the organization/team/department in the short to medium term and a detailed commitment to action that can be tracked.
Contact us to find out more information or discuss how we can support your business.
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