Mobilizing people. This is another of the Holy Grails (how many have I said we have?) in management. Whether you […]
The real question is, what do you want to see happening so that you can say ‘people are empowered’? Employee […]
In some organizations, daily life and the day to day meetings feel like a Permanent Focus Group. People spend their […]
I said previously that large scale mobilization of people (AKA social movements, AKA company culture) needs a platform. They don’t […]
Four types: The generosity of the traffic light. Every fixed interval, it lets you get through. It even changes colour […]
How do people change their mind? How can we influence people to change their minds? Well, any of us will […]
Here are my top five from my organizational consulting work. The paraphrasing is mine, the ownership is shared with my […]
Our traditional management education has almost 100% focused on the formal organization, the structural fabric of teams, divisions, groups, committees […]
There is so much to fix and manage inside the organization that the task could be never ending. Soon, and […]
This is an anthropology report. We’ve found this tribe: the people all wear the same multi-coloured clothes. They paint their […]
Einstein said, “I soon learned to scent out what was able to lead to fundamentals and to turn aside from […]
The concept of disruption in management has been applied to innovation before. A disruptive innovation is a technology, process or […]
One aspect of my work with organizations that I truly enjoy is to help craft the ‘Behavioural DNA’ that shapes […]
Surprise is a powerful strategy in its own right. Surprise means being ahead of the game, being further ahead than […]
The hour has come. Radical is the word. From the Latin, radix, it means root. We need to get to […]
There are always people who ‘don’t get it’, are against cultural change efforts, do not support a programme, torpedo it, […]
Today, there are more similarities between a teenager in Shanghai and a teenager in Rome, or Singapore and Madrid, or […]
We spend more time on preparing for doing than in doing. That would be good if we were just talking […]
I am paraphrasing British philosopher Simon Blackburn who said the same about scientists entering the temple of philosophy. There is […]
Clicktivism is the term used to describe the type of pseudo-activism that consists in clicking the ‘Like’ button (Facebook mainly) […]
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