The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog […]
Sorry for the medicalisation, an annoying legacy in my brain from many years of diagnosing and prescribing. Unlike many other […]
Model 1 of my 6 is what I call, ‘Air time’. It translates into: ‘we recognise that employees’ views are not properly […]
In WWII there was a curious episode of an injection of critical thinking, not entirely well publicised. Big bomber airplanes […]
The difference between the critical thinker and the un-critical one is not a difference in IQ, or mental strength, or […]
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, a 19th century Swiss mathematician is remembered by many things in his scientific turf, but by one […]
If you look at political marketing, and the place to look for a serious PhD in communications and their segmentation […]
The concept of disruption in management has been applied to innovation before. A disruptive innovation is a technology, process or […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter, Paul and […]
“A good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire.”—Fred Ross Fred Ross (1910-1992) American community […]
Modern and not so modern ‘social movements’ with or a without business propositions are portrayed as a concerted and positioned […]
Organizations need a Rapid Reaction Force. OK, unless you are in the military, it does not mean military fatigue uniforms […]
A dangerous metastatic cancer in organizations ( no apologies for the strong language) is the equating of ‘team’ and ‘meeting’. […]
Years ago, I persuaded a pharmaceutical client to make three bold moves in one: (1) To create a New Product […]
My very good client BTG plc has created a habit of getting leadership teams together into racing boats for a […]
I have referred several times to Charles Munger, investor, critical thinker, ‘librarian’ (he reads more books than anybody else): we […]
‘I am convinced that a well thought out “small wins approach” is the premier path to effective strategy implementation, and […]
A report on the Future of Jobs by the World Economic Forum compares the skills priorities of 2015 with the […]
The person who fails the most wins Seth Godin dixit. Investors who make less mistakes win Warren Buffet and Charles […]
The concept of disruption in management has been applied to innovation before. A disruptive innovation is a technology, process or […]
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