I call Collective Leadership that state in the evolution of management teams or leadership teams when the power of the […]
In Latin ‘Post hoc ergo propter hoc’. Free translation: B follows A, so A must be the cause of B. […]
Commenting on the communist legacy, a soviet academic Oleg Bogomolov, who must have known a thing or two about things […]
We spend more time on preparing for doing than in doing. That would be good if we were just talking […]
I am paraphrasing British philosopher Simon Blackburn who said the same about scientists entering the temple of philosophy. There is […]
There was a time when the logic of things started with a ‘why’, followed with a ‘what’ and ended in […]
There is a period in child development when children start asking the question ’why?’. They usually seem unsatisfied with one […]
Clicktivism is the term used to describe the type of pseudo-activism that consists in clicking the ‘Like’ button (Facebook mainly) […]
Back in June 2016, people could walk over floating piers on Lake Iseo (Italy), all covered with yellow material, one […]
If you have a behaviour/value system and you want to recruit people in a way that this value system is […]
Let me share with you my 3Ss, where I suggest you put your money: 1. Synthesis. My followers, readers, clients, […]
One of the very frequent questions that I ask my clients is what they can stop doing so that they […]
A social movement is not a bunch of people, even hundreds, or thousands, moving socially. A social movement needs a […]
This phrase is attributed to the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who also described some arguments or theories as so bad that […]
Some organizations are little versions of Dante’s Inferno with its sign ‘Abandon hope all ye who enter here’ at the […]
So you have The Process and The Outcome dating. You would have thought that they are having a good time. […]
In a massive street demonstration for Anti Something Big, you have the Anti Something Big activists, the Anti Everything, the […]
I explained to a client the logic and principles of the Viral Change™ Platform. I did not want to sell […]
Said Wittgenstein. Language in business and organizations creates frames, but also limitations. And we have lots of these frames. ‘Employee […]
Moses’ leadership was bad. He promised his people a land of milk and honey. Instead, they got a terrible hike […]
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