The change management industry has traditionally missed a big elephant in the room: in times of change, what is actually […]
A publication I once received around the Mighty Davos meeting portrays the views of five expert academics on the topic […]
We have been exploring briefly in the last days the Steering system of the company under the formula: (1) Space […]
The trouble with value systems is that, very often, they have no proper translation into pragmatic and visible expectations that […]
Many companies operate under some sort of ‘Mission and Vision’ framework, often also accompanied, or preceded, by a statement of […]
The late Stanislav Andreski (1919-2007) British Professor of Social Sciences, in one of his vintage passages in ‘Social Sciences as […]
Managing uncertainty is something our brain loves to do. And it loves even more to be helped. At macro-macro-level, Theories-Of-Everything […]
1: The ‘annual’ measurement is artificial. It works for budgets and accountants but not for much more. If a project […]
There is a type of manager/leader who masters the art of listing what you don’t have. We don’t have the […]
The Robust Culture: the culture handles well internal faults and external stress. There may be internal gaps (skills, unfilled positions, […]
The answer to individual negativity is group positiveness. Fighting individual negativity at individual level is a risky fight. If you […]
Possibility is perhaps the most beautiful word in management. There are organizations in which possibilities seem exhausted, work is an […]
My revised 12 rules of social change at a scale. These very simple laws apply to any large scale change […]
A client, senior manager, mentioned to me recently that his company spent a disproportionate amount of time ‘getting ready’. He […]
In this model, the employee (1) is an activist, (2) largely working peer-to-peer, and (3) progressing towards (if not arriving […]
Model 1 of my 6 is what I call, ‘Air time’. It translates into: ‘we recognise that employees’ views are not properly […]
A few years ago, the BBC broadcast a series called ‘How we built Britain’, presented by the veteran David Dimbleby. […]
There is no such thing as kindness. Unless, and until, somebody does something to another human being who can feel […]
I read a while ago this story. Within the highly structured and hierarchical (by design) Catholic church, a Religious Order […]
These are commonly found uses of the expression ‘they’ within organizations. They won’t approve this They don’t get it They […]
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