Sometimes restructuring is done with the intention of solving a collaboration problem. ´A people´ don’t talk to ´B people´; if […]
I went to a big conference where I was introduced by the chairman like this: “Welcome everybody. Lovely to have […]
The following line will short-cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, and any situation in which Peter, […]
Many times, in my consulting work, I find myself facing a dilemma: Do I involve many people on the client’s […]
For more than 30 years I have been involved in ‘change’ in organizations. Again and again, some fundamental principles, and often […]
When you filter out the noise, when you try to extract the core, the fundamentals, those ‘universal rules’ of change […]
‘For every problem, the Victorians have a building’. For every idea that we need to carry forward, we invent an […]
Company: Where companions are. Companion = com + panis in Latin, that is with bread, sharing bread of food. ‘Travelling […]
These are commonly found uses of the expression ‘they’ within organizations. They won’t approve this They don’t get it They […]
People in organizations spend a lot of time representing somebody else or something else. It feels sometimes that the company […]
Can we work on the collective and reward the individualistic? Well, sure you can, it happens every day. But it’s […]
Four types: The generosity of the traffic light. Every fixed interval, it lets you get through. It even changes colour […]
The England and Wales education authority has publicised a list of behaviours that will not be allowed in the classroom […]
A CEO asked me recently: what do you do with a manager who does not embrace or support change, in […]
Our concept of organizational culture as a receptacle for values, beliefs, attitudes, mindsets, ways of doing, written rules, unwritten rules, […]
Nassim Taleb has written about ‘antifragile’ as the quality of ‘growing from disorder’. He says that the opposite to fragile […]
Way number 1: My team has come up with these three options, A, B and C. Which one do you […]
The trouble with consensus is that it contains all the risks of poor thinking and all the possible cognitive biases, […]
‘The exercise was very rich, everybody participated deeply, the walls were full of flipcharts with stuff. So many ideas floating […]
Einstein said, “I soon learned to scent out what was able to lead to fundamentals and to turn aside from […]
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