Managing uncertainty is something our brain loves to do. And it loves even more to be helped. At macro-macro-level, Theories-Of-Everything […]
I don’t like to sound gloomy, but, is the current self-centrism an epidemic of colossal proportions? Or, another way to […]
I have described before the role of managers in many ways, often pointing to the risk of becoming ‘information traffic […]
We are pulled to conform to the group, to participate, to contribute, to say something. Nodding is not enough. Taking […]
This is plagiarism, of course. I am stealing 13th Century Saint, Francis of Assisi’s line: ‘Preach the Gospel all the […]
Let’s start somewhere else. What is the logic behind Listmania? Very often there isn’t one. But starting a note/blog/communication with […]
Organizations have traditionally used a three-legged approach to creating a ‘culture’: Communications, training and compliance. None of those in isolation […]
In the short term, the health of all of us depends largely on people following public health rules (masks, distance, […]
Corporate speak is of course tribal. So, to belong, you have to speak the tribal idiom. Through my work, I […]
I have seen the same slide yet again. It keeps following me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. OK, not on […]
Some time ago a picture of a pack of wolves walking in the snow had been circulating on many social […]
We need to improve communication is not the same as, this is what we need to do to improve communication, […]
The Communications function in organizations has still today one of the best chances to drive strategic change. To do this, […]
OK, at least you’re reading. Thanks. The organization is a network. Networks have emergent properties. Translation: things come up from […]
An indepth analysis of the world of ‘Digital Transformation’ shows two things. One is that there is no such thing […]
Model 1. The technology, for example in the form of digital platforms such as Enterprise Social Networks, ESN (Yammer type) […]
I was told, many years ago, by somebody very close to the old Microsoft management, in Bill Gates times, that […]
Peer power: if managers say, ‘safety is first’, the impact may be relative. The dictation is totally expected. This is […]
The snap shot of the company as pictured in an organizational chart, is probably one of the most fictitious works […]
Our traditional management education has almost 100% focused on the formal organization, the structural fabric of teams, divisions, groups, committees […]
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