Accustomed as we are to creating plans to succeed on something, this may sound counterintuitive. Creating (serious) plans for failure […]
The fastest and best way to build a creative culture is to have lots of creative people together. No kidding. […]
Our managerial training and praxis has been quite successful at making us guilty of not focusing enough on a task […]
Model 1. The technology, for example in the form of digital platforms such as Enterprise Social Networks, ESN (Yammer type) […]
Winston Churchill said, referring to the Houses of Parliament in the UK, ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’. […]
These are the symptoms. Indicators, red flags, culture makers. If you have more than 5, you are in trouble. 6 […]
Deprogramming is a form of management detox. We navigate and work in organizations with a great deal of automatic pilot, […]
If you look at political marketing, and the place to look for a serious PhD in communications and their segmentation […]
If you had to build an organization from scratch, or re-design one, you would have options about some models to […]
The concept of disruption in management has been applied to innovation before. A disruptive innovation is a technology, process or […]
Is this what people want? Singing along with what the Big Gurus have provided? Music and lyrics? Sometimes I feel […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter, Paul and […]
To think out of the box, one has to recognise first that there is a box. Therefore one has to […]
In Latin ‘Post hoc ergo propter hoc’. Free translation: B follows A, so A must be the cause of B. […]
Medium and big organizations tend to use a competence system that segments people by grades and by degree of competence. […]
There is an ‘Accidental Literature for Leaders’. I call this my compilation of poems or pieces of narrative that are […]
A specialist nephrologist I know well says to me: I get very nervous with all this heart stuff, I don’t […]
Emotional Intelligence was a paragraph-length concept expressed in a library of publications. At the time it was a shock in […]
I owe this to Nassim Taleb (‘Fooled by Randomness’ (2007), ‘The Black Swan’ (2008), ‘Antifragile’ (2013). As a traveller of many years […]
Our faith in communication is enormous. Why? Perhaps because we know well the problems associated with the lack of communication. […]
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