‘Good leaders have empathy, respect employees and set the example. If you want to change things, you need to have […]
Build your own Employee Engagement argument for free. You can’t go wrong. Here are three baskets full of concepts: Basket […]
Way number 1: My team has developed these three options, A, B and C. Which one do you want us […]
Test yourself, and your organization. Do any of these apply? Doing lots, too fast without thinking. High adrenaline, not sure […]
The real question is, what do you want to see happening so that you can say ‘people are empowered’? Employee […]
The following line will short-cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, and any situation in which Peter, […]
If you care about the journey and the place, you need a story. If you have a good, compelling one, […]
Many times, in my consulting work, I find myself facing a dilemma: Do I involve many people on the client’s […]
In any change programme that any organization wants to start, they will start by thinking of the things that they […]
When you filter out the noise, when you try to extract the core, the fundamentals, those ‘universal rules’ of change […]
‘Daily Thoughts’ is paused, to assess its value and its next ‘presentation of life’. Bear with us. In the meantime, […]
One of us or one of them. Liberal or conservative. Top down or bottom up. Progressive or retrograde. Robust or […]
Organizational performance is unique. Cut and paste does not work. You need to find your own formula. Good to hear […]
The late Stanislav Andreski (1919-2007) British Professor of Social Sciences, in one of his vintage passages in ‘Social Sciences as […]
This quote is from Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988), American science fiction writer, who was famous for his quotes. This one […]
Attention re-structuralists, strategists and people about to be sold a multi-million pound reorganization solution that will solve all those nasty […]
Here is a ‘very novel’ concept. Employee Engagement is needed because… it’s good in and of itself. Because work enhances […]
In WWII there was a curious episode of an injection of critical thinking, not entirely well publicised. Big bomber airplanes […]
The difference between the critical thinker and the un-critical one is not a difference in IQ, or mental strength, or […]
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, a 19th century Swiss mathematician is remembered by many things in his scientific turf, but by one […]
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