If leadership is a praxis, something that ‘I’ do (name and surname here, please), then, knowing a little bit about […]
Passion is an emotion, or set of emotions. You may want, indeed, that your people are passionate, but you can’t […]
A man is walking alongside the road with a bag of rice and throwing rice outside the road. Another man […]
Following on from one of the topics discussed during yesterday’s thought-provoking webinar on The Myths of Management – leadership and […]
Mastering healthy tension between them, or surrendering to an ‘impossible alignment’ is a choice for leaders and managers. The worse […]
The Good Mechanics of Continuous Improvement have given us a culture of feedback. Feedback is worshipped. There is a whole […]
Imagine this situation, which I am sure you have never come across. Just kidding. A ‘project’ (not necessarily defined as […]
If you were to list your most important people assets, above the best set of skills and competences, above the […]
I’ve written several times about the tired distinction between management and leadership. It had its logic and purpose, and made […]
The great Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset wrote about the early 20th Century Spanish society as being ‘led by people who […]
Some organizations that are very good at (external) marketing, are terrible at internal. Grand market(ing) plans, but can’t sell a […]
Bottom up is not more (of the same) workshops but at the bottom of the organization. Changing the geography of […]
I suggest we aim at a package of shifts in organizational life: a 10 point manifesto, the Remarkable Organization Manifesto […]
The snap shot of the company as pictured in an organizational chart, is probably one of the most fictitious works […]
The old view of the organization is something close to the old concept of a medieval city, where citizenship was […]
By all means, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ (by the way, Gandhi never said that), […]
These are the symptoms. Indicators, red flags, culture makers. If you have more than 5, you are in trouble. 6 […]
Reflective leadership has gone into progressive short supply. In an era where prescriptive answers seem to dominate reflective ones, it […]
‘Lasting capacity’ must be a keyword for change management and its methods. The issue today is less about how to […]
Deprogramming is a form of management detox. We navigate and work in organizations with a great deal of automatic pilot, […]
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