I have seen the same slide yet again. It keeps following me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. OK, not on […]
Clicktivism is a form of digital /online engagement that requires the extraordinary effort of one of your fingers, possibly the […]
A book by ex-Microsoft researcher and now MIT prof Kentaro Toyama (Geek Heresy, 20015) is not precisely novel on the topic of […]
An indepth analysis of the world of ‘Digital Transformation’ shows two things. One is that there is no such thing […]
Model 1. The technology, for example in the form of digital platforms such as Enterprise Social Networks, ESN (Yammer type) […]
Extracts taken from my new book The Flipping Point. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas […]
New units: Certificate of existence = 280 characters (Twitter) Presentation of ideas, maximum attention span = 18 mins (TED) Digital […]
Your big leadership choice for 2017 is between being the guardian of what has already happened, or the prophet of […]
There is an anecdote in a recent piece by Noemi Klein’s in The Guardian. A young girl had some kind […]
Ah, the customer is back, some people in management and consulting say, as if the customer had been in a […]
Model 1. The technology, for example in the form of digital platforms such as Enterprise Social Networks, ESN (Yammer type) […]
Peter Drucker put it in his own style: ‘No organization can depend on genius; the supply is always scarce and […]
In a study conducted with Fortune 100 companies, and quoted in Sherry Turkle’s new book ‘Reclaiming Conversations’, the following statistics […]
A recent book by ex-Microsoft researcher and now MIT prof Kentaro Toyama (Geek Heresy, 20015) is not precisely novel on […]
Clicktivism is a form of digital /online engagement that requires the extraordinary effort of one of your fingers, possibly the […]
If my IT people did not have Google handy, and the ability to ‘ask the forum’, I would not have […]
Whilst the British Army creates its 77th Brigade of digital warriors, many corporations still think of social media as a […]
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