Many people, many of them in high managerial positions, succeed by avoiding failure. They become unmemorable by design. A new […]
It’s called the Shirky principle, after Clay Shirky, prolific American author of bestsellers such as ‘Here comes everybody’(2008) and ‘Cognitive […]
The war on talent. McKinsey consultants started it with a book of the same title. By focusing on what seemed […]
A few years ago, the BBC broadcast a series called ‘How we built Britain’, presented by the veteran David Dimbleby. […]
I know of a brilliant medical doctor who, in front of a worried patient, perhaps with some imaginary worries, perhaps […]
Here we go. I’m sounding a little gloomy for a Monday morning. I don’t mean to. Promise. Back in 2016 […]
1. Postpone. Some great killers postpone everything. They don’t even have to use the language, they simply organise things in […]
10 key behavioural competences of people to understand what is going on. Small sample of my collection. These are 10 […]
Each large or not that large organization needs one. This tribe is composed of people who have a natural ability […]
Some people in organizations believe that they are working in a very bureaucratic, hierarchical, political and rigid environment. Many of […]
From time to time you see the occasional and mostly not very solid comparisons between ‘the company’ and a religion. […]
In my organizational consulting work, and in behavioural terms, I am very used to be told, and challenged, that there […]
Over the years, I have had lots of conversations about ‘corporate culture’ and in particular ‘what to measure’. I must […]
The new, emerging organizations, many people would agree, are more collaborative, more leadership-distributed, less top-down, with more levels of empowerment […]
A recent senior hire in a client company commented to me that the thing that most impressed her in the […]
The ‘expectations muddle’ of empowerment has different shapes and flavours: I expect you to do something but you don’t think […]
Our faith in communication is enormous. Why? Perhaps because we know well the problems associated with the lack of communication. […]
The Good Mechanics of Continuous Improvement have given us a culture of feed-back. Feed back is worshiped. There is a […]
Sorry for the medicalization, an annoying legacy in my brain from many years of diagnosing and prescribing. Unlike many other […]
We can measure anything. Vital things, rubbish things, relevant, secondary, soft, hard, anything. We have been told by the Wise […]
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