Harvard Business Review (HBR) never ceases to amaze me. Very often I feel that there is some sort of a […]
In my world, ‘corporate’ is synonymous of big structure, big processes and big systems. Of course, it is not its […]
Pope Francis, spiritual head of 1.3 billion people went to Lesbos, saw the immigrants, stayed with them for 4 hours […]
Manners is an old fashion concept. Courtesy, consideration, empathy with the other? All in one? Manners are the behavioural expression […]
Political commentators in the US have argued that Donald Trump’s campaign is a protest one, attracting people who are against […]
In caricature, this is a 3 point strategy to develop further. It’s a simple mental and practical frame. Build an […]
There is a theme in many traditions that describes ‘the way’ as something that is not simply ’there’ but that […]
Communicating, triggering behaviours, sustaining them and creating a culture, are all connected, interdependent, overlapping and parts of the chain of […]
Don’t look at us, at the leadership at the top. We are the wrong mirror. Of course, we are committed […]
The job description is dead. It is replaced by a Lego box, no instructional manual and a map. Welcome to […]
More than 20 years ago, Jerry I. Porras and James C. Collins, wrote the bestseller ‘Built to Last, successful habits […]
Well known Conservative American columnist and writer David Brooks has written a piece in the New York Times entitled ‘I […]
There is business and, then, there is all that stuff about leadership and teambuilding. This seems to be the worldview […]
No what it’s written in procedures but what is not written in those pages Not how people behave in meetings, […]
Some people in organizations believe that they are working in a very bureaucratic, hierarchical, political and rigid environment. Many of […]
I declare myself allowed to use the word bullshit, which official definition is nonsense, lies, exaggeration, foolish talk, pretentious talk, […]
I want to start 2016 Daily Thoughts with this word. Possibilities. This is Daily Thought number 581, and the first […]
‘It has been proven that people with more birthdays live longer’. Is this is a line belonging to so called […]
Facts: abysmal sales in the supermarket chain, strong competitor activity, decrease customer loyalty. Guess what, new CEO Analysis: old fashion […]
I have always been a bit wary of people who repeatedly define themselves by what they are against. It makes […]
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