Zappos, (from zapatos, Spanish for shoe) has gone self-management. If you have not heard about Zappos, it does not mean […]
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, a 19th century Swiss mathematician is remembered by many things in his scientific turf, but by […]
Amongst my clients I have a good representation of ‘regulated industries’ such as pharmaceuticals and financial services. I, myself, spent […]
Mastering healthy tension between them, or surrounding to an ‘impossible alignment’ is a choice for leaders and managers. The worse […]
‘Science advances by a series of funerals’. This is how John Brockman, founder of The Edge, and editor of a […]
Benchmarking is a rear-mirror strategy. It’s about catching up with something that has already happened. People who spend too much […]
This is number 2 in the list of Idea-Logic systems (ideologies) I have started to share yesterday (The Idea-Logic (ideology) […]
I wrote before in these Daily Thoughts that a bit of inefficiency is very efficient An interview with Adam Pisoni, […]
It was a cruel joke form the times of Re-engineering. ‘Here it goes Joe’, started the joke. Then the quote: […]
As many provocative quotes go, the caricature of the extreme makes the point. We in organizations often suffer from the […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter and Paul […]
The recent State of the Union address by US president Obama had, to distant and detached eyes such as mine, […]
We are social animals. We live in spaces, with rules, with rituals, in tribal environments. We are both architects of […]
‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music’. Friedrich […]
The British retailer Marks and Spencer (M&S) has ‘Plan A’ as the title for their vast corporate and social responsibility […]
I used to live in a small village in England where we just had one, also small, very popular bakery. […]
There’s something to keep in mind when trying to create a disruptive change: Most such attempts fail, and when one […]
One of the very frequent questions that I ask my clients is what they can stop doing so that they […]
It is unrealistic to expect upside down disruptive innovation in any business. But the absence of disruptive thinking may be […]
Years ago I was talking to a client, a Senior VP in the company, about a project that had to […]
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