I’ve written several times about the tired distinction between management and leadership. It had its logic and purpose, and made […]
In my dealings with organizations of many sizes and shapes, cultures and geographies, I always find very fine individuals of […]
These are the symptoms. Indicators, red flags, culture makers. If you have more than 5, you are in trouble. 6 […]
Deprogramming is a form of management detox. We navigate and work in organizations with a great deal of automatic pilot, […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
Way number 1: My team has come up with these three options, A, B and C. Which one do you […]
‘The exercise was very rich, everybody participated deeply, the walls were full of flipcharts with stuff. So many ideas floating […]
There are times when you get stuck in arguments. Discussions seem to go nowhere. You are running in circles and […]
Nasim Taleb’s Antifragile book has this subtitle: ‘Things that gain from disorder’. This is a model for the new organization […]
Amongst my clients I have a good representation of ‘regulated industries’ such as pharmaceuticals and financial services. I, myself, spent […]
This is scene one of ‘The Tragedy of Coriolanus’ by William Shakespeare. It says a lot to us. It’s easy […]
‘When the only thing you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail’ If you have a predetermined view […]
These are ‘functions’ and ‘structures’ in need of spaces in the organization. You may not be brave enough, or crazy […]
Many of us spend quite a lot of our time in what we call ‘work’. The business day now has […]
The degree of comfort in discovering the roots of things, cannot be taken as proof of the truth. The best […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter, Paul and […]
To think out of the box, one has to recognise first that there is a box. Therefore one has to […]
If any of these are a good picture of your organization, you need to put ‘critical thinking’ into the water […]
Many years ago, I got into Decision Analysis at the hands of my good friend Larry Philips of the London […]
Back in 1994, Jim Collins, consultant and author, gained a lot of attention with his book Built To Last: Successful […]
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