“The history of mankind might be described by a cynic as a series of splendid expeditions towards the wrong goal […]
Today, there are more similarities between a teenager in Shanghai and a teenager in Rome, or Singapore and Madrid, or […]
Innovation and renewal requires your windows open to the world. Plenty of organizations out there are experimenting with models, far […]
There was a time when the logic of things started with a ‘why’, followed with a ‘what’ and ended in […]
There is a period in child development when children start asking the question ’why?’. They usually seem unsatisfied with one […]
Clicktivism is the term used to describe the type of pseudo-activism that consists in clicking the ‘Like’ button (Facebook mainly) […]
If you have a behaviour/value system and you want to recruit people in a way that this value system is […]
This phrase is attributed to the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who also described some arguments or theories as so bad that […]
Months ago, I found myself in front of a large audience composed of the highest ranks of the HR function […]
(1) If the top leadership of the company doesn’t exhibit the values/behaviours that you want to instill in the culture, […]
Many people, many of them in high managerial positions, succeed by avoiding failure. They become unmemorable by design. A new […]
It’s called the Shirky principle, after Clay Shirky, prolific American author of bestsellers such as ‘Here comes everybody’(2008) and ‘Cognitive […]
The war on talent. McKinsey consultants started it with a book of the same title. By focusing on what seemed […]
Management Theory (if there is one) and management practice are not physics. We don’t have very solid data about what […]
I know of a brilliant medical doctor who, in front of a worried patient, perhaps with some imaginary worries, perhaps […]
Some people in organizations believe that they are working in a very bureaucratic, hierarchical, political and rigid environment. Many of […]
Our faith in communication is enormous. Why? Perhaps because we know well the problems associated with the lack of communication. […]
Who challenges in organizations? People who have nothing to lose People who know that the art of challenging, equals not […]
The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person […]
Forget work-life balance. It was a good concept that did a lot of good but has now retired. It cannot […]
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