Walk the talk’ is being consistent: say something and then do what you said you would. ‘Talk the walk’ is […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
Einstein said, “I soon learned to scent out what was able to lead to fundamentals and to turn aside from […]
Nassim Taleb Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By […]
Temperature control of the cabin is used by airlines in transatlantic flights as a way to change behaviour. It may […]
When we developed Reboot! a while ago as an intense Accelerator (strategy and change accelerator), a simple premise was in […]
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, a 19th century Swiss mathematician is remembered by many things in his scientific turf, but by […]
I am picking on Harvard because John Kotter is prof Emeritus there and he has been the master of the […]
We have been exploring briefly in the last days the Steering system of the company under the formula: (1) Space […]
As many provocative quotes go, the caricature of the extreme makes the point. We in organizations often suffer from the […]
The company culture is its operating system. As such, we need to take care of it, keep it healthy, clean […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter and Paul […]
Think of your company processes and systems as its operating system, the equivalent of your human Windows 7, or 8, […]
A recent article in the New York Times refers to a Conference/initiative in San Francisco where the agenda is built […]
From my Disruptive Ideas book and Accelerator, I’d like to bring this one to the table as a follow up […]
It is unrealistic to expect upside down disruptive innovation in any business. But the absence of disruptive thinking may be […]
One of the reasons why I have created a suite of Accelerators is because I believe that sometimes we complicate […]
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