I have not counted the number of TV shows, either side of the Atlantic, that are based on individual competition, […]
An old patient was concerned about her hair. A nurse came in at 7 am to put colour in her […]
Heraclitus (535 BCE) was probably the father of change management. Two quotes: ‘There is nothing permanent except change’. ‘No man ever […]
The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog […]
In the previous Daily Thought I shared the simple idea that change management approaches often miss a big elephant in the […]
The change management industry has traditionally missed a big elephant in the room: in times of change, what is actually […]
We have been exploring briefly in the last days the Steering system of the company under the formula: (1) Space […]
The trouble with value systems is that, very often, they have no proper translation into pragmatic and visible expectations that […]
Many companies operate under some sort of ‘Mission and Vision’ framework, often also accompanied, or preceded, by a statement of […]
Facts: abysmal sales in the supermarket chain, strong competitor activity, decreased customer loyalty. Guess what, new CEO. Analysis: old fashion […]
1: The ‘annual’ measurement is artificial. It works for budgets and accountants but not for much more. If a project […]
There is a type of manager/leader who masters the art of listing what you don’t have. We don’t have the […]
The Robust Culture: the culture handles well internal faults and external stress. There may be internal gaps (skills, unfilled positions, […]
This is my rephrasing of ‘The army is now fully prepared for the previous war’, inspired by John Gall, in his […]
This piece of conventional wisdom is almost never true. That ‘they were ready’ is very often a posterity rationalization. Most […]
I often use lines from some of Obama’s speeches, to ask leaders about their sense of destiny, small d or […]
For every community struggling to achieve something, and deciding to launch some form of collective action; for every minority that […]
This quote is from Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988), American science fiction writer, who was famous for his quotes. This one […]
In the previous Daily Thoughts posting, I said that successful growth contains the seeds of its failure. Managing the organizational complexity […]
If you want to have a conversation about the future of work, the nature of work, the post-pandemic work, the […]
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