  • The curious case of management bad sync: the video and the audio don’t match

    This is a pattern that I encounter with many of my clients. Top and less top leadership, of the progressive […]

  • Wicked Problems? Bad news. Prevent.

    This is my list of characteristics of a Wicked Problem. The term was first described  by Rittel and Webber in […]

  • Running organizations like a permanent Dragons’ Den is not my idea of good management.

    Yes, we are in the era of ‘elevator pitches’, of one page formulations, a clear summary, a 140 character message […]

  • And suddenly there are lots of Black Swans around! What are we supposed to do?

    The Black Swan theory says that… all swans are white, and your Strategic Swan Management Department should cater for a […]

  • The corporate mille-feuille. Layers of initiatives don’t touch each other

    In a large company, what do a leadership development, a culture change and a business integration programme typically have in […]

  • WEIRD = Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic. Our management education is crafted in this model

    Yuval Noah Harari uses this term in his excellent Homo Deus book to describe the narrow view that we have […]

  • ‘Perfection of planning is a symptom of decay’. Winning by making less errors, and other digressions.

    The art of dealing with incomplete and imperfect data: I want to put this into the water supply of some […]

  • The garbage collection problem (in organizations)

    Analogy stolen from the brilliant The Systems Bible (John Gall, 2003). We tend to look at problems from the angles […]

  • Certainty! Or reduced uncertainty! We all can practise it. Not rocket science, just zero cost behavioural science.

    Managing uncertainty is something our brain loves to do. And it loves even more  to be helped. At macro-macro-level, Theories-Of-Everything […]

  • Corporate Change is Corporate Rafting. And Heraclitus knew a thing or two about rivers (tip: change is not ‘created’)

    Heraclitus (535 BCE) was probably the father of change management. Two quotes: ‘There is nothing permanent except change’ ‘No man […]

  • From VUCA with love: your HR toolkits have expired; those versions are not supported anymore (try eBay)

    VUCA: volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous environment, term created by the military to say that the future is not what […]

  • The Stopping Rule in organizations, where the meaning of life may be 37

    In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, ‘the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, […]

  • A new word for corporate life: de-corporatization

    In my world, ‘corporate’ is synonymous of big structure, big processes and big systems. Of course, it is not its […]

  • We are all traders of comfort, no matter the degree of uncertainty in our worlds

    A specialist nephrologist I know well says to me: I get very nervous with all this heart stuff, I don’t […]

  • Speaking up: an old friend always to be invited.

    ‘Daily Thoughts’ is in pause mode for a few days. Here is a quick way to continue some thinking during […]

  • An amazing new tool for the new business environment revealed.

    Experiment. Not kidding. Once upon a time ‘experimenting’ was something that only scientists did. Most people would associate the word […]

  • At some threshold, ‘improvements’ become dangerous

    ‘Continuous improvement’ is part of the management furniture and something that, at a face value, one could not disagree with. […]

  • ‘Problem Three’ appears when we treat complexity with more complexity. Many organizations breed it. The UK NHS is caught in it.

    At some point of the organization’s growth, complexity kicks in. Before that threshold, you had two problems: managing growth and […]

  • Efficiency, Efficacy and Effectiveness: the triplets of Management (and the risk of dating the wrong sister)

    Many restructuring efforts, perhaps process re-engineering (whether these days you call them like this or not) and a great deal […]

  • When the intensity of the discussion is inversely correlated with the importance of the issue, or directly with its triviality.

      There are many versions of the same principle. We spend disproportionate amounts of time on issues. We often have […]

  • To search my website, please use the form below.

      Daily Thoughts

    September 27th, 2023

    Redefining Talent Wealth

    The war on talent McKinsey consultants started it with a book of the same title. By focusing on what it […]

    September 8th, 2023

    What I Learnt From The Monks: A Little Anthropology Of Leadership And Space On One Page

    My friends, monks of a Benedictine monastery in the Highlands, Scotland, spend most of the time in silence. I mean, […]

    August 23rd, 2023

    Can We Rescue DEI From Its Trap (The Label)?

    Most of the problems and challenges in organizations, together with most of the solutions, are behavioural in nature. It’s about […]

    August 10th, 2023

    Restructuring to force collaboration, is likely to create more anxiety than collaboration. Structural solutions for behavioural problems hardly work.

    Sometimes restructuring is done with the intention of solving a collaboration problem. ´A people´ don’t talk to ´B people´; if […]

    July 18th, 2023

    The ‘Impossible To Disagree With’ School Of Management

    ‘Good leaders have empathy, respect employees and set the example. If you want to change things, you need to have […]

    June 29th, 2023

    Large scale change is not small scale change repeated many times. Small wins repeated are lots of small wins.

    Large scale change, as a series of cascading small scale interventions (often under the philosophy of ‘small wins’) has dominated […]

    June 6th, 2023

    Culture change is not long and difficult. But we make it so…

    I suppose the question is how long is long and how difficult is difficult? In general, business and organizational consulting have […]

    May 19th, 2023

    Value is an overused term in business and, as such, it’s becoming meaningless

    Value, as usually used, means transactional monetary value. Usually it doesn’t mean intrinsic value, or value per se. For example, […]

    May 4th, 2023

    The importance of ‘critical thinking.’ Your own critical thinking is more effective at making your workplace better than any generic employee survey.

    Build your own Employee Engagement argument for free. You can’t go wrong. Here are three baskets full of concepts: Basket […]

    April 21st, 2023

    ´Busy-Ness’ Is A Trap

    I went to a big conference where I was introduced by the chairman like this: “Welcome everybody. Lovely to have […]

    April 14th, 2023

    Training and culture change. The love affair that ends in tears.

    It seems to be very hard for people to get away from the idea that if we just put individuals […]

    April 11th, 2023

    Teamocracies and Networkracies have different citizens: in-Habitants in team-work, riders in net-work

    The old view of the organization is something close to the old concept of a medieval city, where citizenship was […]

    April 5th, 2023

    3 Ways To Get Approval From Your CEO Or Your Leadership Team

    Way number 1: My team has developed these three options, A, B and C. Which one do you want us […]

    March 29th, 2023

    A Cheat Sheet To Create A Social Movement Tip = to shape organizational culture since both are the same.

    Mobilizing people. This is another of the Holy Grails (how many have I said we have?) in management. Whether you […]

    March 16th, 2023

    Critical Thinking Self-Test: A 10 Point Health Check For Your Organization And Yourself. If any of these are a good picture of your organization, you need to put ‘critical thinking’ in the water supply.

    Test yourself, and your organization. Do any of these apply? Doing lots, too fast without thinking. High adrenaline, not sure […]

    March 9th, 2023

    A culture of safety or a culture of training in safety?

    Cultures are created by behaviours becoming the norm. Safety is at the core of many industries. Significant budgets are allocated […]

    March 2nd, 2023

    Empowerment is an output. If you can visualize it, you can craft it.

    The real question is, what do you want to see happening so that you can say ‘people are empowered’? Employee […]

    February 24th, 2023

    A simple question will jumpstart your organization into change. It will also save you from months of pain spent reorganizing your people and teams.

    The following line will short-cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, and any situation in which Peter, […]

    February 20th, 2023

    Lead Via Peer-To-Peer Networks – If you don’t lead via peer-to-peer networks, you’re only driving your car in first gear.

    Peer-to-peer work, transversal, spontaneous or not, collaboration, peer-to-peer influence, peer-to-peer activities of Viral Change™ champions or activists, all of this is the […]

    February 7th, 2023

    Write a script, not a strategic plan

    If you care about the journey and the place, you need a story. If you have a good, compelling one, […]

    January 26th, 2023

    3 self-sabotaging mechanisms in organizations

    Organizations, like organisms, have embedded mechanisms of survival, of growth and also of self-sabotage. These are 3 self-sabotage systems to […]

    January 10th, 2023

    Who should be involved in culture change? All inclusive versus going where the energy is.

    Many times, in my consulting work, I find myself facing a dilemma: Do I involve many people on the client’s […]

    December 23rd, 2022

    Tell what won’t change – Introducing 1 of my 40 rules of change

    In any change programme that any organization wants to start, they will start by thinking of the things that they […]

    December 16th, 2022

    Scale It – Introducing 1 of my 40 rules of change

    When creating effective change in any organization, there are 40 rules that, in my experience, are the key between success […]

    December 5th, 2022

    Assets & Strengths Base – Introducing 1 of my 40 rules of change

    For more than 30 years I have been involved in ‘change’ in organizations. Again and again, some fundamental principles, and often […]

    November 25th, 2022

    Campaign It… is 1 of my 40 rules of change

    When you filter out the noise, when you try to extract the core, the fundamentals, those ‘universal rules’ of change […]

    October 31st, 2022

    Hybrid or not hybrid? That’s not the question…

    Culture is the new workplace If you want to have a conversation about the future of work, the nature of […]

    October 24th, 2022

    ‘Powered by Viral Change™’: A Social Transformation Platform for the organization of the 21st Century

    When we started to work on Viral Change™, as a way to create large scale behavioural and cultural change, and […]

    October 14th, 2022

    Corporate tribes, intellectual ghettos and open window policies

    We talk a lot about silos in organizations usually in the context of Business Units or divisions. But these are not […]

    October 7th, 2022

    Peer Networks are the strongest force of action inside the organization

    Peer-to-peer works, transversal, spontaneous or not, collaboration, peer-to-peer influence, peer-to-peer activities of Viral Change™ champions or activists, all of this is […]