This is a pattern that I encounter with many of my clients. Top and less top leadership, of the progressive […]
This is my list of characteristics of a Wicked Problem. The term was first described by Rittel and Webber in […]
Yes, we are in the era of ‘elevator pitches’, of one page formulations, a clear summary, a 140 character message […]
The Black Swan theory says that… all swans are white, and your Strategic Swan Management Department should cater for a […]
In a large company, what do a leadership development, a culture change and a business integration programme typically have in […]
Yuval Noah Harari uses this term in his excellent Homo Deus book to describe the narrow view that we have […]
The art of dealing with incomplete and imperfect data: I want to put this into the water supply of some […]
Analogy stolen from the brilliant The Systems Bible (John Gall, 2003). We tend to look at problems from the angles […]
Managing uncertainty is something our brain loves to do. And it loves even more to be helped. At macro-macro-level, Theories-Of-Everything […]
Heraclitus (535 BCE) was probably the father of change management. Two quotes: ‘There is nothing permanent except change’ ‘No man […]
VUCA: volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous environment, term created by the military to say that the future is not what […]
In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, ‘the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, […]
In my world, ‘corporate’ is synonymous of big structure, big processes and big systems. Of course, it is not its […]
A specialist nephrologist I know well says to me: I get very nervous with all this heart stuff, I don’t […]
‘Daily Thoughts’ is in pause mode for a few days. Here is a quick way to continue some thinking during […]
Experiment. Not kidding. Once upon a time ‘experimenting’ was something that only scientists did. Most people would associate the word […]
‘Continuous improvement’ is part of the management furniture and something that, at a face value, one could not disagree with. […]
At some point of the organization’s growth, complexity kicks in. Before that threshold, you had two problems: managing growth and […]
Many restructuring efforts, perhaps process re-engineering (whether these days you call them like this or not) and a great deal […]
There are many versions of the same principle. We spend disproportionate amounts of time on issues. We often have […]
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