I have been researching for a while the not-that-easy topic of ‘cognitive mental frames’ or ‘mental models’ that take over […]
If I were the one in charge of deciding the ‘person of the year’ for the front cover of Time […]
Collaboration is behavioural, not a process or system. As a behaviour, it can’t be taught. It’s something that some people […]
Exercise: take a piece of paper and put names next to each category. Use your organization or an organization you […]
The following line will short cut months of (building) ‘alignment’, integration, reorganization, team building, coalition building, start-up get-to-know, redeployment of […]
The job description is dead. It is replaced by a Lego box, no instruction manual or a map. Welcome to […]
Louis Gerstner, chairman of IBM from 1993 until 2002, recalls in his autobiography, the company’s use of a competence model […]
There are two opposite and wrong reactions to Employee (engagement/satisfaction) surveys. At one end, there is the ‘ignore the findings’. […]
Engagement, retention even activism…Traditional models of employee engagement are getting a bit tired. They are starting to look the same, […]
And the question is: ‘Why are you still here?’ You learn about the organization by asking questions to employees when […]
Here are three baskets full of concepts: Basket one: Working conditions, Flexibility at work, Pay and perks, Reward and recognition, […]
A man is walking alongside the road with a bag of rice and throwing rice outside the road. Another man […]
Performance appraisal or performance management are one thing. Forced ranking into an artificial normal distribution of people in the organization, […]
This is my alternative to the Gallup 12. You can develop a whole Organizational Development philosophy around these questions. These […]
Three bad news people: People who sell discontent. They become experts. You may have an entire internal sales force of […]
I was told, many years ago, by somebody very close to the old Microsoft management, in Bill Gates times, that […]
Extracts taken from my book The Flipping Point. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs to […]
Organizations, like organisms, have embedded mechanisms of survival, of growth and also of self-sabotage These are 3 self-sabotage systems to […]
Extract taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas […]
If you look at political marketing, and the place to look for a serious PhD in communications and their segmentation […]
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