Vocation is often defined as ‘a strong feeling’ to do something, a job, a career, an occupation, to dedicate one’s […]
It is said that in any organization, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I often think that […]
Chinese proverb that is, what else? I wish we could be as crystal clear when it comes to the characteristics […]
Organizational anthropology sounds like a grandiose academic affair. You may imagine the anthropologists armed with notebooks and cameras capturing the […]
Employee empowerment is an output, an outcome. If you start thinking of employee empowerment as an input, something you are […]
Some organisations, or groups inside the organisation, suffer from lack of self belief. You could say weak self esteem. The […]
There is a ‘meeting expectations’ cult in business. It has created its own concept of (customer) services: meet customer expectations, […]
One aspect of my work with organizations that I truly enjoy is to help craft the ‘Behavioural DNA’ that shapes […]
‘For every problem, the Victorians have a building’. For every idea that we need to carry forward, we invent an […]
Management cultures, particularly Anglo Saxon, love acronyms. This is something new employees need to learn. If coming from another industry, […]
In Latin ‘Post hoc ergo propter hoc’. Free translation: B follows A, so A must be the cause of B. […]
Clicktivism is the term used to describe the type of pseudo-activism that consists in clicking the ‘Like’ button (Facebook mainly) […]
Consistently over the years, the Edelman’s Trust Barometer has told us that the greatest source of trust inside the organization […]
Said Wittgenstein. Language in business and organizations creates frames, but also limitations. And we have lots of these frames. ‘Employee […]
The war on talent. McKinsey consultants started it with a book of the same title. By focusing on what seemed […]
Management Theory (if there is one) and management practice are not physics. We don’t have very solid data about what […]
There was this big conference that was introduced by the chairman in this way: ‘Welcome everybody. Lovely to have you […]
I know of a brilliant medical doctor who, in front of a worried patient, perhaps with some imaginary worries, perhaps […]
In a study conducted with Fortune 100 companies, and quoted in Sherry Turkle’s book ‘Reclaiming Conversations’, the following statistics about […]
Here we go. I’m sounding a little gloomy for a Monday morning. I don’t mean to. Promise. Back in 2016 […]
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