Somewhere along the line in the history of ‘business’, something went wrong and people took the wrong turn at the […]
An article on the Apple culture ( What Apple employees say about the company secretive culture? ) is a fascinating […]
In a recent conference, the very sharp mind of Marten Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, ex HP, ex Nokia, reminded the […]
The best way to help dysfunctional families to get out of their habits and become functional is not an army […]
‘The exercise was very rich, everybody participated deeply, the walls were full of flipcharts with stuff. So may ideas floating […]
‘Change management’ usually forgets a vital component: the things that don’t change or need to change, or, indeed, must not […]
Modern and not so modern ‘social movements’ with or a without business proposition are portrayed as a concerted and positioned […]
These are 3 sisters sometimes seen together in the corridors of the organization. But, more often, they wander around on […]
We talk a lot about silos in organizations usually in the context of Business Units of divisions. But these are […]
Random thoughts: People content with average achievements in the market, launch a party when the statistics show a few points […]
No matter how disguised, how avoided, how much of other language used, Employee Engagement as a topic assumes an input/output […]
These 10 positions provide organizational solutions with guarantee of some good reception. All of them are ‘possible’. If you want […]
There are three major sources of trust generation. Everything else is commentary: The ‘keep promises’. I can rely on you, […]
Where is home? Ask this question to an Irishman or Irish woman. Even if they have been living abroad for […]
When I see a corporate value system containing teamwork, openness and innovation, my cynical, uneducated and undomesticated baloney detector system […]
Scholars of social movements and also of all forms of radicalization processes agree that, quite constantly, there seems to be […]
Company: Where companions are. Companion = com + panis in Latin, that is with bread, sharing bread of food. “Travelling […]
In an unusual break between meetings in London, I found myself in Foyles, the transformed, iconic bookstore, where I bought […]
Poor American management, they always get the hit. Blame it to their influence and visibility. Is most modern management American […]
Often you see people in organizations disillusioned with changes, considering themselves survivors of the yet another reorg, getting on with […]
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