People reading these Daily Thoughts may be used to common themes, indeed. After all, I am not writing about nuclear […]
Peer-to-peer work, transversal, spontaneous or not, co-laboration, peer-to-peer influence, peer-to-peer activities of Viral Change™ champions or activists, all of this […]
Edelman Trust barometer is out again. Extraordinary piece of work. The highlights? Trust is at its lowest, everywhere. The media […]
Obama’s farewell speech contains enough reflective materials, statements and arguments to spend hours of learning, no matter where you are […]
In our Viral Change™ Programmes, members of the community (company) of activists, invariably ask questions such as, what shall we […]
A CEO asked me recently: what do you do with a manager who does not embrace or support change, in […]
If I were the one in charge of deciding the ‘person of the year’ for the front cover of Time […]
Their worlds and the laws governing them are completely different. Coaching and most management and leadership (team) development are not […]
The main reason why many cultural change and transformation programmes in large organizations fail is because you can’t change ‘the […]
Option 1: You try to convince him with rational and emotional explanations about the need for change and the importance […]
Culture is not a project, something to do on top of normal work, an extra, something to get your hands […]
Manners is an old fashion concept. Courtesy, consideration, empathy with the other? All in one? Manners are the behavioural expression […]
Yes to all. All of the above. Who could disagree? Certainly not the leadership development sub-industry. We want the good […]
Behavioural /cultural shaping in organizations does not scale up by simply the leaders having the right mindset and motivation. A […]
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that […]
Sure, you need change at the top. You wish to see that the top leadership takes things seriously and that […]
Field notes: Reflections on ‘us and them’. Sometimes a rejection of something makes its alternative appealing even if that alternative […]
(1) If the top leadership of the company does not leave to expectations, and don’t exhibit the values/behaviours that you […]
The best way to help dysfunctional families to get out of their habits and become functional is not an army […]
Modern and not so modern ‘social movements’ with or a without business proposition are portrayed as a concerted and positioned […]
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