It seems to be very hard for people to get away from the idea that if we just put individuals […]
Cultures are created by behaviours becoming the norm. Safety is at the core of many industries. Significant budgets are allocated […]
1. They don’t read blogs entitled ‘5 things very successful leaders have in common’. 2. They don’t care about lists […]
Performance appraisal or performance management are one thing. Forced ranking into an artificial normal distribution of people in the organization, […]
Scientism is taking over management, so anything that can be expressed in scores and numbers is glorified regardless of the […]
Extract taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas […]
Some people have a hero within. They have this tremendous ability to mobilise energy, jump in when big issues present, […]
There is a ‘meeting expectations’ cult in business. It has created its own concept of (customer) services: meet customer expectations, […]
Meeting expectations, exceeding expectations and all that jazz! It’s often said that success equals performance minus expectations. Three comments on […]
We spend more time on preparing for doing than in doing. That would be good if we were just talking […]
I can’t remember where I saw this. This is part of the point. It could have been anywhere. But I […]
There must be a better way than having 200 consultants landing in my company and doing the stuff for me, […]
I know leaders who are obsessed with this: the systematic use of feed back between managers and staff, between people. […]
Organizational life can go on, driven by management, without asking people about their motivations. These are assumed in a rather […]
This has become a mantra used by many leaders to express the desire that people take seriously their commitments ‘as […]
A client, senior manager, mentioned to me recently that his company spent a disproportionate amount of time ‘getting ready’. He […]
Our managerial training and praxis has been quite successful at making us guilty of not focusing enough on a task […]
Accustomed as we are to create plans to succeed on something, this may sound counterintuitive. Creating (serious) plans for failure […]
(1) We plan operations, change, leadership, anything, with intended consequences in mind. These are often translated into KPIs, milestones, and […]
The problem with super efficacy and super efficiency is that what works for a Swiss watch does not work for […]
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