One of the fundamental roles of leadership is to frame the narrative of the organization. This is easy to say […]
Organizational performance is unique. Cut and paste does not work. You need to find your own formula. Good to hear […]
VUCA: volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous environment, term created by the military to say that the future is not what […]
You always have the trade-off between doing X, and not doing it at all. There will be a cost of […]
You’ve just been to a concert in the Great Hall of your city. Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 “Resurrection”. Berlin […]
Scenario 1: The Leadership Team/top Management Team is in high control mode. They feel they need to make many kinds […]
I am borrowing this line from Obama’s speech at Rutgers. Of course he was referring to certain presidential candidate. “Facts, […]
Dear Mr Herrero. I have been trying to contact you but you were busy. No, you haven’t, we have no […]
Jack Welch, ex CEO of GE and Suzy Welch, Journalist, author and Jack’s wife have written in Linkedin, in one […]
‘I am convinced that a well thought out “small wins approach” is the premier path to effective strategy implementation, and […]
A friend of mine told me a story about his laptop. It got warmer and warmer; the fan on all […]
A good article came to me via my colleague Caroline, always ready to save some gems from my spam filter […]
Have you heard of speed yoga? Me neither. Although Mr Google points to some YouTube videos that in fact are […]
Promise. There is more to gain from many bad, irrational, uncooked, unrealistic ideas popping up and rejecting them so that […]
Lessons from the Pre-CIA ‘Simple Sabotage Field Manual’ (declassified, in case you wonder). This is how it goes: General Interference […]
It was just a little over a year that I wrote that annual Performance Management needed to be retired. I […]
In my dealing with organizations of many sizes and shapes, cultures and geographies, I always find very fine individuals of […]
‘Continuous improvement’ is part of the management furniture and something that, at a face value, one could not disagree with. […]
10 key behavioural competences of people to understand what is going. Small sample of my collection. These are 10 type […]
From time to time you see the occasional and mostly not very solid comparisons between ‘the company’ and a religion. […]
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