Test yourself, and your organization. Do any of these apply? Doing lots, too fast without thinking. High adrenaline, not sure […]
We need to improve communication is not the same as, this is what we need to do to improve communication, […]
Many organizations have a Risk Management function of some sort. Often scattered amongst different constituencies: manufacturing, engineering, R&D etc. It […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
A while ago, my brand new iPhone was stolen at the airport, having left it behind on a table for […]
A meeting room without a flipchart is decaffeinated coffee. The absence of a flipchart insinuates possibly lots of talking, perhaps […]
The degree of comfort in discovering the roots of things, cannot be taken as proof of the truth. The best […]
We spend too much time seeking predictable answers. They are not necessarily bad. If I work with Peter, Paul and […]
Innovation and renewal requires your windows open to the world. Plenty of organizations out there are experimenting with models, far […]
So you have The Process and The Outcome dating. You would have thought that they are having a good time. […]
I explained to a client the logic and principles of the Viral Change™ Platform. I did not want to sell […]
Modern and not so modern ‘social movements’ with or a without business propositions are portrayed as a concerted and positioned […]
A few years ago, the BBC broadcast a series called ‘How we built Britain’, presented by the veteran David Dimbleby. […]
‘Prioritize’ is a word that I particularly dislike because it is overused and misused in a terrible way. I have […]
What type are you? How our mental models work is part of the Minimal Introspection, something we tend to overlook, […]
It’s terrifying. You are in front of an inquisitorial crowd, maybe your own people, and have to say, I don’t […]
Socrates said. Or Plato said Socrates said. Socrates never wrote a word. He did not trust them. They were the […]
Wisdom Nomads go form meeting to meeting. ‘We need to make sure that’, ‘we have to know how this fits […]
Allow yourself to be a bit inefficient Reinvent some wheels from time to time Don’t always reuse the same presentation […]
Our managerial training and praxis has been quite successful at making us guilty of not focusing enough on a task […]
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