Apparently nothing can change unless there is as ‘burning platform’. Business and old change management loves that kind of drama. […]
I like the concept of reinvention, renewal, or transformation. But I like most the concept of rebooting! Organizations, teams, groups, […]
In WWII there was a curious episode of an injection of critical thinking, not entirely well publicised. Big bomber airplanes […]
If you had the possibility of designing an ideal organizational structure or redesigning one that you already have, what would […]
Nassim Taleb Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
The traditional organization is, amongst other things, obsessed with closure. It despises ambiguity and puts a premium on the absolute […]
I said yesterday that I would put framing at the top of the list on ‘leadership tasks’ I also said […]
The ‘tyranny of knowledge’ is one of these phrases used in a diversity of contexts. It means amongst other things […]
Sustainability of change, of cultural initiatives, of well intentioned corporate improvements is the key challenge. We are all quite energetic […]
Heraclitus (535 BCE) was probably the father of change management. Two quotes: ‘There is nothing permanent except change’ ‘No man […]
The old tale of ‘Boiling Frogs’ says that there are too basic ways to boil a frog. One, the frog […]
A short piece in The Guardian announces quietly that Mercedes Benz is replacing some robots with humans. Not the other […]
At some point of the organization’s growth, complexity kicks in. Before that threshold, you had two problems: managing growth and […]
This is an old joke and a current non-joke. Here is the story copied from one of the multiple write […]
I declare myself allowed to use the word bullshit, which official definition is nonsense, lies, exaggeration, foolish talk, pretentious talk, […]
Facts: abysmal sales in the supermarket chain, strong competitor activity, decrease customer loyalty. Guess what, new CEO Analysis: old fashion […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
Nassim Taleb Antifragile concept is perhaps one of the most attractive frames (conceptual, philosophical, practical) we have had recently. By […]
Temperature control of the cabin is used by airlines in transatlantic flights as a way to change behaviour. It may […]
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