Ryan Holiday (media critic, stoicism vendor, marketing strategist) is ‘the bestselling author of Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a […]
Reflective leadership has gone into progressive short supply. In an era where prescriptive answers seem to dominate reflective ones, it […]
You are stuck when confronted with dilemmas. Maybe contradictory business decisions, or maybe the need to choose between two evils. […]
The Business English language (yes, there is one) uses the word ‘accountability’ often associated to the word ‘taking’, as in […]
Back in June 2016, people could walk over floating piers on Lake Iseo (Italy), all covered with yellow material, one […]
The historical existence of several layers of management in any organization may be related to its size. In a command […]
Try my Border Diet: A diet to protect yourself against persistent Full Disclosure that the digital world forces upon you. […]
It’s called the Shirky principle, after Clay Shirky, prolific American author of bestsellers such as ‘Here comes everybody’(2008) and ‘Cognitive […]
It’s impossible to listen in a noisy room. If you want to listen to your breathing, you need silence. You […]
A recent senior hire in a client company commented to me that the thing that most impressed her in the […]
Flat organizations, part of the Pancake Revolution (got the patent pending) that we have gone through, trimming management layers and […]
There was a time, I am told, when before starting a programme or initiative within the company, you made sure […]
OK, at least you a reading. Thanks. The organization is a network. Networks have emergent properties. Translation: things come up […]
Employee empowerment is an output, an outcome. If you start thinking of employee empowerment as an input, something you are […]
Command and control management has less and less friends, and it’s quite terminally ill as well. The heirs are fighting […]
Imagine a near nirvana, perfect scenario in which you have the right and the best people in the organization, intellectually, […]
I wrote about Zappos and Holacracy here, and got lots of questions. This is take two. In my work on […]
Zappos, (from zapatos, Spanish for shoe) has gone self-management. If you have not heard about Zappos, it does not mean […]
We have been exploring briefly in the last days the Steering system of the company under the formula: (1) Space […]
Is working from home ‘a matter of trust’? The Guardian supplement on ‘Top Employers Uk’ (28 February 2015) says so. […]
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