How do you make values live? Install them in a culture? Model 1: You preach them and preach them, and […]
When I first read Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ a long time ago, I was impacted by a little paragraph […]
Beacon of moral values and having a secret affair? Anti poverty leader, managing a healthy Swiss bank account? Gender equality […]
Amongst the fascinating, moving, brilliant stories of health care workers in Ireland, that I have come across during my work […]
Not so long ago, we would have considered the employee having a sort of schizophrenic mind by force. Persona A […]
In yesterday’s Daily Thought I suggested that leadership competence-based systems may be better at providing a language than at creating […]
There is no such a thing as kindness. Unless, and until, somebody does something to another human being who can […]
For months now a picture of a pack of wolfs walking in the snow has been circulated in many […]
Many people have asked me repeatedly which ones of my Daily Thoughts are my best or favourites. Hard to say. […]
Pope Francis, spiritual head of 1.3 billion people went to Lesbos, saw the immigrants, stayed with them for 4 hours […]
I’ve come across by chance a short video interview with Tony Robbins, life coach, health guru, motivational speaker, author, self-made […]
‘Daily Thoughts’ is in pause mode for a few days. Here is a quick way to continue some thinking during […]
In my dealing with organizations of many sizes and shapes, cultures and geographies, I always find very fine individuals of […]
In his 2003 book ‘The Audacity of Hope’, Barack Obama wrote: ‘I serve as a blank screen on which people […]
Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, software millionaire, has discovered mindfulness. And has installed ‘mindfulness rooms’ in the Salesfore building in […]
The Biblical ‘the truth will set you free’ should be engraved in corporate walls, next to the values. And in […]
When travelling today, I found myself, unexpectedly, a few minutes from a little known restaurant, part of a low key, […]
Let’s start somewhere else. What is the logic behind Listmania? Very often there isn’t one. But starting a note/blog/communication with […]
Leaders. They drive the agenda, the agenda is not driving them. They drive the agenda even when other people think […]
More than 20 years ago, Jerry I. Porras and James C. Collins, wrote the bestseller ‘Built to Last, successful habits […]
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