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  Daily Thoughts

September 26th, 2020

The One Global Culture does not exist. But pretending that it does holds us together.

The so-called One Global Culture is a confederation of: (a) Geographical cultures and sub-cultures (Italy, USA, France etc) (b) Functional, […]

September 25th, 2020

Casinos don’t have clocks

Ryan Holiday (media critic, stoicism vendor, marketing strategist) is ‘the bestselling author of Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a […]

September 24th, 2020

Jet Skiing Management vs. Scuba Diving Management

The writer Nicholas Carr said about the influence of the Internet on the way he wrote and, in general, on his […]

September 23rd, 2020

May I introduce you to our worst enemy? The word average

Random thoughts: People content with average achievements in the market, launch a party when the statistics show a few points […]

September 22nd, 2020

Do competence-based management and leadership systems create better managers or leaders? (Sorry for the inconvenient question)

Louis Gerstner, chairman of IBM from 1993 until 2002, recalls in his autobiography, the company’s use of a competence model […]

September 21st, 2020

Memo to all corporate supporting functions: You are fired. Reapply now. Lines are open

Memo to all functions and Business Partners (HR, OD, L&D, Internal/Corporate Communications, Strategy Units, Finance, Health and Safety, Branding/PR, and […]

September 19th, 2020

7 Platitudes in Organizational Life, in need of a very loud ‘really?’ Louder! And some debunking.

We can do much better than this. But we don’t. On the contrary, we exploit these platitudes and repeat them […]

September 18th, 2020

Collaborating across borders needs one thing: borders

There is a romantic view of the organization that sees it completely borderless, inside and outside. Inside, this view says, […]

September 17th, 2020

May Change Management have a great funeral

A good friend, an expert in Communications, has created her new website with a prominent quote of mine, ‘Change Management […]

September 16th, 2020

The Ordinary Irrationals

These are us, you and me. OK, apologies for calling you ordinary. But it’s not disrespectful. Believe me. It’s like […]

September 15th, 2020

The 6 stages of management teams. The origin and evolution of these species on one page.

Stage 1: The Accidental Management team. The team is composed by whoever reports to the top. You are in that […]

September 14th, 2020

Good silos, bad silos are like good cholesterol and bad cholesterol

It could be argued that ‘silos’ are part of the human condition and group interaction, and Chris Rodgers (Informal Coalitions) […]

September 12th, 2020

Trust is (mostly) horizontal. Our organizations are (mostly) vertical. No wonder…

‘People like me’ is a category in its own right in the Edelman Trust Barometer. Multiple sets of data point […]

September 11th, 2020

Your most important list of personal assets. Take time. Now?

There are many ways to list our own assets. And that’s something that is very healthy to do. Practice it […]

September 10th, 2020

Note to Internal Communications people: occupy the (corporate) streets.

The Communications function in organizations has still today one of the best chances to drive strategic change. To do this, […]

September 9th, 2020

‘Human’ and ‘leadership’ can go together by inviting our demons for dinner.

If leadership is a praxis, something that ‘I’ do (name and surname here, please), then, knowing a little bit about […]

September 8th, 2020

Solidarity as a form of organizational culture is both a soft label and a secret weapon.

At some people’s request, I am revising an old Daily Thoughts on ‘solidarity’ in the work place. Solidarity is one […]

September 7th, 2020

Employee Engagement Surveys: Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

There are two opposite and wrong reactions to Employee (engagement/satisfaction) surveys. At one end, there is the ‘ignore the findings’. […]

September 5th, 2020

10 reasons why you should retire ‘Passion’ from your value system

Passion is an emotion, or set of emotions. You may want, indeed, that your people are passionate, but you can’t […]

September 4th, 2020

Oh, mental frames! How easy to create misery!

‘Let’s be real and aware of the current budget realities’ is a warning that leaders should give to their people […]